Happy mama

Labor and delivery in France

Journey to the labor room In the maternity of your choice they should tell you when you need to arrive to give birth. If you are not sure, just call the emergency number and they will decide. In France you should count with 3 days stay after natural birth delivery and for cesarean it can …

Happy mama

Life with newborn – my lessons

Finally! You are coming back from hospital with your long expected baby. Everything is prepared to welcome your little one, your family is lined up and hopefully you have someone to give you a helping hand later. But first week or two are for both of you about getting used to each other. SWADDLE Start …

Happy mama

Common Highs and Lows of pregnancy

February-2021 Every pregnancy is special and comes with different symptoms. Even each of your pregnancies will not be completely same. I decided to share with you some highs and lows from my 9months and some tips which helped me survive not so pleasant moments. Pregnancy comes with many surprises and on regular basis you find …